What Are My Second-Trimester Abortion Options?

What Are My Second-Trimester Abortion Options

Knowing what to do next with an unplanned pregnancy can be confusing. What are your options if you’re already in your second trimester?

If considering a medical abortion, this option is only FDA-approved if your pregnancy is at or under 10 weeks gestation. Therefore, you’re only eligible for a surgical abortion in the second trimester.

At A Choice for Women, we can help you learn about your pregnancy options and where your pregnancy stands.

Second-Trimester Abortion Options

As medical abortion is only available for women in early pregnancy, here are the facts about surgical abortion.

Surgical abortion is a medical procedure that terminates an existing pregnancy by removing the pregnancy from the uterus. The two main types of abortion are aspiration abortion and Dilation & Curettage abortion.

The Physical Risks to Consider

Surgical abortion comes with major risks to consider beforehand. Potential surgical abortion risks include the following:

  • Damage to the uterus or cervix
  • Uterine perforation (accidentally putting a hole in the uterus with one of the instruments used)
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Infection of the uterus or fallopian tubes
  • Scarring of the inside of the uterus

The Emotional Risks to Consider

Abortion also comes with mental health risks. According to a study from the National Library of Medicine, it’s clear that at least some women experience adverse mental health events after an abortion. And you’re more likely to face a mental health complication after an abortion if you feel at all pressured into getting one, feel morally opposed to abortion, or have pre-existing mental health conditions.

Get More Clarity

The only way to confirm your second-trimester options is through pregnancy confirmation. Receive a free pregnancy test and limited ultrasound at A Choice for Women. We want you to be fully informed about your pregnancy and your second-trimester options.

If your test is positive, we can provide financial assistance. However, to qualify, you must come in and talk to one of our counselors.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment today to get answers. You are not alone.

*All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing